Welcome to the website of Saint Stanislaus Parish in Chappell Hill, Texas.
We are part of the Universal (Catholic) Church,
under the leadership of the successor of St. Peter, Pope Francis.
We belong to the Diocese of Austin, Texas, overseen by our
Diocesan Bishop Joe S. Vasquez.
Since July 2022, our pastor is Fr. Thaddeus Tabak, SDS.
Our parish community, under the patronage of St. Stanislaus, congregates regularly
in the historic church building to celebrate the liturgy of the
Most Holy Eucharist, other sacraments and sacramentals.
Moreover, in the parish hall various social events, receptions and parties take place.
We bury our beloved ones at our parish cemetery.
In all parish activities, we try to implement the prayer of Our Lord:
“This is eternal life, that they should know YOU,
the only true GOD, and the one whom You sent,
JESUS CHRIST” (John 17,3).
Our Catholic Faith through the Divine grace leads us to heaven
and makes us better people individually and as a community.
We want to transfer our best traditions to others,
especially to the young generation through education,
evangelization and by living according to the Gospel values.
May God Almighty bless all, who are visiting this website.